Mr's Z's Deluxe Pizza Image
Mr’s Z’s Deluxe Pizza Image
Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza
Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza
Build Your Own Pizza
Build Your Own Pizza

Townies Pizzeria produced by Heartand Restaurant.

Soil Workshop at Townies Dec 3, 2022

townies pizzeria soil workshop

Saturday Dec 3, 2022

Soil Health Workshop Held at Townies

Townies Garden Soil Health Workshop presented by David Hebert. David is our county’s agriculture extension agent. He works with farmers and residents interested in growing food or raising livestock. His background is a masters degree in soil health. He’s here today today teach us about composting and why it’s important.

Twenty-eight registrants were privileged to participate in the Townies Soil Health Workshop for a two hour presentation on soil health, microbial biology and overall sustainable soil management by

David M. Hebert, M.S. Extension Agent I, Agriculture and Natural Resources Univ of Florida/IFAS Extension Nassau County

Here they learned the basics of soil trophic levels (soil food web), and nutrient cycling. Familiarity with the role of beneficial bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes in promoting plant growth storing carbon and increasing sustainability in plant systems.

Also, they learned how to efficiently make compost with upright cage system to help manage the pile. Learning how to mix the proper ingredients and their ratios.

Finally they had hands-on microscopy lesson to become familiar with observing bacteria, nematodes and a few protozoa.

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Does Pizza Come from the Sky?

Nassau Home School Association Field 2021

Townies Pizza Garden Kids Field Trip Image
Nassau Home School Association Field Trip

“Kids today don’t have the opportunity to put their hands in the soil,” Klabacka said. “We’ve created a fresh farm excursion with hands-on learning experiences to expose students to planting, the importance of eating organic, all while making the experience fun and exciting for them.”

Farmer and Townies owner Matt Klabacka hopes other schools and organizations will take advantage of a fresh farm excursion field trip…..(read more)

Rock and Pizza Roll

Pizza Rolls

Pizza Rolls are like little Calzones filled with delicious goodness.

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